
therapeutical steps for a self-care while going through a complaining process (of any nature) 6/6

6 – repair session

find a piece of paper.

ripe it off in 4 to 6 pieces.*

display the pieces in a flat surface. 

reorganize it in the original shape.

glue them back with band-aids.


*(not recommendable to rip it in more parts than the suggested. the angry might increase.)


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5 – exploding the cause of complaint

find a plastic bag.

whisper the cause of your complaint inside the bag.

fill in the remaining space by blowing air inside.

close the bag quickly, so the air and the cause of your complaint don’t come back to circulate.

allow the cause of your complaint to suffocate a bit inside the bag.

explode the bag with your hand. 



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4 – dance the feeling

find a space big enough for you to open both of your arms and legs in your entire circumference. 

make a playlist with the most energetic musics according to your preferences, with duration of more or less 15 minutes. 

wear headphones or turn up the music as loud as you can in the speaker, to isolate other noises from the ambience, inside and outside your head. 

close your eyes.

play the music.

dance as hard as you can, moving all your members, from feet toes to hair in the top of your head. 

kicks and punches in the air are very effective. your moving hips also don’t lie.

when the music stops, the exercise is done.



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3 – negotiating affection

find a cat or a dog that feels ok with you touching their belly.*

touch their belly softly, in circular moves. 

let the tenderness invades your heart. 


*(you might get scratched or bitten. it is common, but you will be alright.)


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2 – materializing the anger

choose your favorite pillow.

position your pillow in your lap, comfortably. 

be kind and lovable to your favorite pillow. feel it. hug it.

slowly move your face close to the pillow, until it is completely touching its surface.

start pronouncing the letter A continuously, initially low, and increase the volume gradually. You can stop to breathe when you are out of breath, and you can restart from the volume level you stopped. Scream as loud as you can in your favorite pillow. 


position your ear immediately in the same pillow.

listen to the echo. 



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1 – self-psychoanalysis session

find a comfortable, safe place, where you can lay down cozily with no fear of being observed, heard or judged. 

let yourself talk non-stop about your feelings regarding this complaint.

you may find resistance in your voice in the beginning.

remind yourself you are safe. 

during the process, some tingling in the hands and legs may happen. It will pass. 

If tears comes out of your eyes, let them roll. 

If anger runs through your body, let it pass by. 

if laugh comes, open your mouth. 

stay in the exercise for 45 minutes. 
