“if a body can express a complaint, a body can be a complaint testimony.”
This is my body. This is me carrying on, regardless of all the pain. It’s not about that experiences; the one in the train or the other one as I was crossing the street. It’s my entire life.
What are you carrying in the cabinets of your mind? I would like to hear your story and about all the objects, symbols, words that you are bearing inside your body.
If you do not wish to share your story here in the comments – out in the open – message me directly. Anonymous if you wish. Let me be your feminist ear, and allow my art to be your voice.
“to hear complain is to become attuned to the different form of its expression.”

Note: I did not share the story and the explanation about the images kept in the cabinets here. I would be glad to hear back from you and share more.